Monday, August 31, 2009


Originally uploaded by jessajune

This weekend it really felt like summer. The weather was even warm enough to touch San Francisco, leading those pale hipsters who were not already gone to Burning Man to don their skimpiest clothing and bare pale skin and tattoos to the world.

Then we climbed up on the roof and pulled off all the tiles. The tiles are the ones that are original to when the house was built in the 1920s and cannot be replaced (modern tiles in the same style are much bigger), so it was slow and careful work to pull them up, breaking as few as possible.

There is nowhere at home quite as warm as on the roof in August. But we got them all taken down successfully, and now we can move forward with repairs to the structure underneath. In a few weeks, we'll put them all back.

The marigold in this post is apropos of nothing... it's not even an 1PPD. I'm just happy that the ones I grew from seed are blooming at last.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1PPD August 26

U Shaped Cucumber
Originally uploaded by jessajune

From the front garden - an unusually shaped cucumber. I am sure it will be plenty delicious, however.

As I mentioned, I won't be blogging every day's picture... I'm trying to make a manageable-sized commitment that I can stick to. But I'll upload them to Flickr (sometimes multiple days at once), and you can always take a look at my 1PPD Flickr set to see the latest.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pacific Madrone 1PPD, Aug 23

Pacific Madrone
Originally uploaded by jessajune

We went hiking at Big Basin Redwood State Park today. The woods there are filled with redwood, oak, pine, and madrone. It is where I always went camping as a kid, and this environment is what I think of when I think of camping or the Santa Cruz Mountains.

There are some more pictures of the day over in my Flickr account.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Aug 22 1PPD

Early Girls @ Dirty Girl
Originally uploaded by jessajune

Today's picture is dry farmed Early Girl tomatoes at Dirty Girl produce at the Embarcadero farmer's market in SF.

One thing I think I'm going to find is that carrying my camera around for my "one" picture of the day is going to lead me to take a lot more photographs in general. There are a few other pictures to be found at Flickr.

Friday, August 21, 2009

One Photo Per Day Project

1PPD 8/21/09
Originally uploaded by jessajune

I've been thinking I wanted to improve my photography for a long time without actually doing anything about it, even though we all know the best way to get better at something is to practice. So I've decided I'm going to take at least one photo every day until January 2010. It may be with my camera, or webcam, phone, or heck, even someone else's camera. I will avoid photographing the same object in the same way twice. (Obviously, for things like knitting projects and the garden I will continue to take iterative pictures. But these repeat shots will not count towards my One Photo Per Day.)

I am unlikely to get them all posted to the blog, but I will do my utmost to get every one loaded up onto my Flickr account. In both places, I shall use the tag 1ppd (one photo per day).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Look

I've changed around the color scheme here on the blog to match my main site, and added a FriendFeed widget. I've been trying to use FriendFeed a bit more lately, instead of just randomly sending my tweets/pictures/etc. there without thinking about it. It will be interesting to see what the recent Facebook acquisition will do to the tool.

Also, yes, I have other things I am supposed to be doing, and yes, I should stop procrastinating and get back to them.